Commenti : Città d'Italia Junior

1 800

da quanto tempo non giocavo !!!!!!!! beh rieccomi giochi geografici !!!! XD


@Challengers: awesome battles to access the 1/4 finals!
Scores have been picked up and you will find the continuation of this tournament on the Members Area Page of the Club............ Let's go!


@ Arwen - I'm sure you ahve every chance of beating me. This is a tough one


Thanks Moorea !!!! but i surprise you : i'd never played this game......sometime the normal map but without great determination !!!!!


bella competition bravo a tous
we can see that panda is playing home he is like( walking on the water ) bravo nice score
good night every body

2 050

Thank U Snowwhite


Hello Jean-Cyrille! nice to see you here with us!
Coucou Yassine!


@Grumer: congratulations! Better and better. That's great!

The scores will be picked up tomorrow at 10h00, so let's go!!


Good afternoon !
How are you ?
Mon adversaire est Bluesteel, je n'ai donc aucune chance de le battre et de passer en 1/4 de finales.Je ne vais pas abandonner, je vais participer mais un grand bravo à to, Bluebel !

2 050

Thank U Panda and Snowwhite.
Well you really improved youre score since yesterday Snowwhite.
So I not so sure that I win.

2 200

hello les challengers, je prends le train en cours de route histoire de montrer que je vous suis.... et parfois vous passes un chouille devant, LOL...
Bonne bourre à tous.

1 200

Thanks Sebik. Good luck to you too!!


@Challengers: Great battles in view on that map!
@Grumer: I am happy to compete with you even if I have not a shadow of a chance against you!
@kapucine: viva la dolce vita!
@moorea: usually the score shows up after a replay everytime.


après la croisière nous voici en gondole sous le pont des Soupirs ..


Hy Grumer !!!
Great welcome in my country!!!!!!!
I was n't sure you can play !!!

2 050

Hi challangers. This will be interesting


hello challengers hello FENGHNIU
i just play 2 games buttttt the score dont show up i ll try again and let you know

4 842

Hello !
I think I won't be able to win this challenge. I have to improve my best score which is for the moment 105034. I am very far from you.
Good luck everybody and have fun

3 316

@Burak: you honor me! You are a noble opponent!


Good luck speedy.


Good luck to all challengers.

@Szergejke, it is an honour to compete with you.


Hello Chrysss !
You are a formidable will be an hard job to play against you , of course for two player like us to play in italy or in another country it's the same !!
Good luck and let win the best !!!!


Dear Challengers: this is the map for the 8/finales. we play here until Wednesday at 10h00 (GMT+2). Have fun!
Nous jouons jusqu'à mercredi 10h00.


e bello ma voglio accetare regole commenti

1 800

si sn riuscito 0 §§§ bari


bongiorno, li "mirabelli" !!




0km reggio calabria 0 km torre del greco 0 km napoli 0 km roma 0 km genova

1 800

secondo voi uno di 10 anni che fa 103 734 è bravo?

1 800

1 km da bolzano chi fa 0 km mi risponda grazie (il mio maestro 35 anni 0km §§§ brindisi)


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